

A transistor is an electrical device which can amplify and boost an electrical current. A transistor basically acts as a switch and an amplifier. In simple words, we can say that a transistor is a miniature device that is used to control or regulate the flow of electronic signals. Transistors are one of the key components in most of the electronic devices that are present today. Developed in the year 1947 by three American physicists John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley, the transistor is considered as one of the most important inventions in the history of science.


A transistor has 3 terminals, namely emitter, base and collector. The configuration depends on the type of transistor in use.
● Base: This is used to activate the transistor.
● Collector: It is the positive lead of the transistor.
● Emitter: It is the negative lead of the transistor.

How to use

Tutorial – (
Article Link

Common Applications

● Transistors are used as a simple switch to make a circuit open or close by controlling the base voltage
● Transistors are also used in a variety of appliances such as computer chips, microprocessors, mobile phones, etc.

Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab

● Make a bridge rectifier using diodes and capacitors.
● Make a LED blinker using transistors (
Article Link

Safety Measures to follow

● Don’t use higher voltages on transistors more than the specified limits.

Important Links

● How does transistors work – ()
YouTube Video
● More about Transistors –

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