RGB LED is a single LED that can produce three colours:- Red, Green, Blue. The colour theory says that any colour can be made using red, green and blue. So, we can change the intensity of each of these colours in the LED to generate possibly any colour. The pixels used in screens of devices like mobiles, laptops and TVs are also rgb pixels. These kinds of LEDs are very common in decorative and indicative purposes as they work as one single unit to produce different colours based on specified conditions. An RGB LED contains 4 leads, one each for 3 different colours and the remaining one as a common anode or cathode.
How to use
Project Tutorial –
Common Applications
1. Displays
2. Decorative purposes
Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab
1. Produce all colours using RGB LEDs and Arduino ()
Tutorial Linkhttps://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/Manikantsavadatti/how-to-use-rgb-led-with-arduino-to-produce-16m-colours-740be3
2. Design a 8x8x8 RGB LED cube –
Safety Measures to follow
1. Supplying a very high voltage might damage the LED.
Important Links
1. How does a RGB LED work (https://youtu.be/wqzfbImsrPE)
YouTube Video