Force Pressure Sensor

Force Pressure Sensor

Force pressure sensors, also called force sensitive resistors are sensors that are used to detect physical pressure, squeezing and weight. FSRs are basically resistors that change their values when they’re subjected to pressure. The amount of pressure can be shown as an output to the user by measuring its instantaneous resistance. A force pressure sensor consists of a force sensing plate where the pressure is applied, and connectors that are connected to the circuit.

How to use

Tutorial –

Common Applications

1. To measure frictional forces between surfaces.
2. For fluid monitoring applications, dialysis machines, etc.

Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab

1. Measure force and pressure and display it on Arduino Serial Monitor – (
Tutorial Link
2. Glow pillow project using force pressure sensor ( )
Tutorial Link

Safety Measures to follow

1. Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating.
2. Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensor cable joint.

Important Links

1. Basics of force pressure sensors (
YouTube Video

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