First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit


First aid kit is a box which has all the necessary equipment needed to give immediate medical care to someone in case of an emergency. The emergency could be of any sort, such as a cut, fire burn or shock. It is very important to have first aid boxes in ATL labs. Some equipment should be present in all first aid kits:-
1. Plasters
2. Gauze dressings
3. Sterile eye dressings
4. Bandages
5. Safety Pins
6. Sterile gloves
7. Tweezers
8. Antiseptic wipes
9. Antiseptic liquid
10. Latex gloves

How to use

The most important part is to identify what equipment from the first aid kits should be used to treat and provide medical care in case of emergencies. Then, make sure that the usage is correct and safe and always try to do that in a safe and secure place.

Safety Tips and Precautions

1. Any used disposable item such as bandages shouldn’t be used again.
2. Antiseptic wipes and liquid should be applied in right amounts.

Important Links

How to use a First aid kit – ( )
YouTube video
First aid kit contents –
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