DC plastic gear motor with wheel

DC plastic gear motor with wheel
DC plastic gear motor with wheel

A DC Geared motor (BO) motor, called Battery Operated motor is a DC motor which works just like a normal DC motor, but the speed is a bit low and the torque is higher. It is great for lightweight battery operated robots since it is very compact and light. We also get a wheel which is detachable. We can use it accordingly when required.


A BO motor has 3 major parts like all DC motors:-
1. Rotor, it is the part that rotates when applied with voltage
2. Terminals, these are connected to the battery to rotate the rotors
3. Motor body, it encloses the inner components of the motor.

How to use

To use a BO motor, take its connecting wires and connect them to the terminals of a battery. That’s all you need to do. If the connections are proper, the motor should start rotating. To rotate the motor in the opposite direction, just reverse the polarity of the battery connections. To use the wheel, just fit it into the rotor, and you’re good to go!

Common Applications

fans, robot cars, drill machines, rotary tools, motor pumps,

Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab

1. Build a Walking Robot –
2. Make a robotic car using a BO motor to drive its wheels –

Safety Measures to follow

1. A motor may get heated up on prolonged use.

Important Links

1. How to use a BO motor (https://youtu.be/HsYYh0YrDwQ)
YouTube Video
2. What is inside a DC Geared Motor –

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