Bulb holders, as the name indicates, are used to hold bulbs and are usually connected with a power source to light them up. They are used everywhere around us. The power source could be a dedicated switch with internal connections to the holder, or it can be as simple as a power plug which is portable and can be attached to a socket for power. The kind of bulb holders we’ll need for ATL purposes are regular hanging bulb holders.
How to use
The holder should be placed in the right spot, ensuring that the wires are not getting twisted and that they’re insulated throughout. If they are not insulated at some parts, make sure to provide insulation first and then move on to the next step. Thereafter, take the bulb and place it in the holder. For doing so, find the entry points in the holder on the edge, push the bulb barely, and then rotate it to lock it there. After doing this, you can put the plug in the socket and turn on the power. The bulb should start glowing!
Safety Tips and Precautions
1. Don’t put in the bulb when the holder power is on.
2. Avoid using rusted bulbs as they’re not safe and the rust filings can cause short circuits.