Breadboard is a thin plastic board which is used to hold components to test out the circuit temporarily before making the actual final circuit connections. A breadboard has internal connections which makes it very handy to connect different components based on the requirements. There are two major types of size in which breadboards are available:-
1. Normal size
It has 800 pins in it to be used for making connections. It is suitable for making complex circuit prototypes.
2. Mini Breadboard size
It has 400 pins in it to be used for making connections. It is suitable for comparatively smaller and simpler circuit designs.
How to use
To use a breadboard, one should first have an idea regarding which pins are short circuit and which are open circuit. In a breadboard, usually, when held horizontally, the upper two rows and lower two rows are divided into 4 short-circuited connections each. The other Rows have pins short-circuited vertically. Once identified, you can utilise pins of your choice to put components for making connections, and then test them accordingly. A very simple example could be to connect a LED light with a battery and switch.
Common Applications
1. Used to make temporary connections for testing the circuit.
2. Used to hold components together for connection and makes the work easier.
Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab
1. Make a simple LDR connection on a breadboard using a LDR, battery, LED and switch.
Safety Measures to follow
1. Make sure to not try to bend the breadboard as it might break.
2. Don’t ever try to solder the ends of components on breadboards as they’re not meant for that purpose.
Important Links
Basics of a breadboard (
YouTube Video