A switch is an electronic component which is used to break connections between a circuit. It can be used to have two states, on or off. That is why it is also considered as a binary device. When an electronic switch is on, it is considered closed in a circuit. When the switch is classified as off, the switch is open in the circuit. When someone presses the button, it touches with the stationary contacts, causing the action to take place. In some cases, the user needs to keep holding the button or to press it repeatedly, for an action to take place. With other pushbuttons, a latch connects and keeps the switch on until the user presses the button again.
There are a number of types of buttons that should be used, namely:-
1. Push
2. Toggle
3. Rotary
4. Selector
5. Slide
How to use
Tutorial – (https://littlebirdelectronics.com.au/guides/49/use-a-push-button-with-arduino)
Article Link
Common Applications
1. To turn ON and OFF the flow of current in a circuit
2. Buttons are used in calculators, push button phones, etc.
Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab
1. Dim LEDs using a push button and Arduino using PWM –
2. Design Dodge the Defenders Game using a push button and LCD –
Safety Measures to follow
1. Do not touch the terminals or other charged parts of the Switch while power is being supplied.
2. Do not use damaged switches.
Important Links
1. How does a push button works (https://youtu.be/iCHAIeoSpI4)
YouTube Video
2. Different types of switch buttons used in industry (https://youtu.be/AbqGWNIItTo)
YouTube Video