GSM is an international standard for mobile telephones. It is an acronym that stands for Global System for Mobile Communications. It is also sometimes referred to as 2G, as it is a second-generation cellular network. To use GPRS for internet access, and for the Arduino to request or serve web pages, you need to obtain the Access Point Name (APN) and a username/password from the network operator. We also require a SIM card to be used to facilitate the GSM for us.
The module hardware consists of a GSM module, voltage level shifter, SIM circuit and Atmega328P microcontroller. Microcontroller provides control for sending, receiving and AT command processing to the GSM module. The firmware is responsible for handling tasks related to communication between device and host server. It processes all incoming SMS, extract, and store new configuration from Host, transmits alert/notification SMS when the radiation data reach/exceed threshold value, and transmits SMS data at every fixed interval according to configuration. Integration of this module with radiation survey/monitoring device will create mobile and wireless radiation monitoring systems with prompt emergency alert at high-level radiation.
How to use
Tutorial –
Common Applications
1. Connect onto any global GSM network with any 2G SIM
2. Make and receive voice calls using an external earphone & electret microphone
3. Send and receive SMS messages
4. Send and receive radio transmission data
Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab
1. Making a call with arduino using GSM module – 1. Only use compatible SIM card with GSM module.
1. Overview of SIM900 GSM module ()
2. Send SMS using Arduino and GSM Module –
Safety Measures to follow
Important Links
YouTube Video
2. What is GSM ( Global System For Mobile Communication –