Capacitor Kit

Capacitor Kit

A capacitor is a device that stores energy in the form of an electric charge. Capacitors are found in a number of devices such as cameras, fans, speakers and sensors. The major job of a capacitor is to store the energy in itself, and then supply it in a go whenever required. The energy is stored between dielectric plates that are placed parallelly in the capacitor. The plates may have a dielectric material between them. A capacitor has two terminals, which are connected to dielectric plates, that are placed parallelly at a small distance from each other, like the image below:-

How to use

Capacitor Kit

A capacitor can be put in a circuit by connecting its both terminals to the circuit. One thing to notice is that unlike resistors, multiple capacitors connected in series constitute lesser equivalent capacitance as compared to when they’re connected in parallel.

Common Applications

1. Used in appliances like fans, cameras, etc.
2. Used in many ICs like capacitive touch modules.
3. Providing stability to voltage regulators.

Some example projects that students can try out in the ATL Lab

1. Design a voltage regulator circuit of your own by using capacitors and diodes.

Safety Measures to follow

1. Do not use capacitors on higher current or voltage value than specified
2. Do not discharge it by force.

Important Links

How does a capacitor work ()
YouTube Video

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